"Rely on Me in order to become more like Me" is what I keep hearing this morning.
-Comparing my weakness to God's strength will only put me deeper in my weakness. Thanking God for accepting me in my weakness and relying on His strength will always take me deeper in His love.
* You can tell when God's children are not praying for one another. When selfishness, pride and hatred replace LOVE there is a problem. We were called to forgiveness & love. Jesus Christ prayed that we would be a people of unity. Let's take on the same mindset of Christ. We should still be living in unity, with God and with His children. LOVE covers over a multitude of sins. Pray... that God would humble you in order for you to be a carrier of Christ's love.
"Fools show their annoyance at once, but the prudent overlook an insult" Proverbs 12:17
"... those who promote peace have joy" Proverbs 12:20
The third night of VBS, I was leading my group of 2nd graders. As I was taking role, I had to write down the names of the youth who were helping. Their names were Will & Tucker. Mrs Brewer grabbed the role sheet & wrote their names in for me (which I believe was God) She wrote "Will Brasell" and "Tucker Brasell". HAHA [laughter will be explained] and as she walked away I sat there amazed. All of the children continued singing and I just sat awe-struck. Everything started to click. A few days after I moved to Thomasville, my grandmother called me. She told me a lot about my Papaw (her dad) that I never knew before. One of the things she told me was that my Papaw used to live in Thomasville. Also, that he was a member of Thomasville Baptist Church (that is where I am interning for the summer... so God!) It is the church he attended as he grew up. When he was 19 years old, he left the town to move to Mobile with his brother Raymond.... she told me all thins and I remember thinking "okay, there is more to me being in Thomasville than the intern position.. there is more to me attending this church than I think.." so back to VBS! I waited (antsy, to say the least) for the music lesson to be over and I gave Will & Tucker the biggest smile and said "GUESS WHAT?" as giggly as I have been in a while... they smiled back and questioned my excitement. I said "It is VERY possible that you guys are my family"... They weren't as enthusiastic as I thought they would be... but I didn't care :) Teenage boys are funny. So... I remained stoked the rest of the night & met another Brasell. She was as happy as I was because she understood the possibility of us being related.... well a few days went by... I texted my mom & asked her what Papaw's first name was because I only remember calling him Papaw... mom never responded. So, I remembered how Mr David (another Brasell) had mentioned me going down this Antique shop to speak with Mrs Barbara Brasell, because she had all of the genealogy written down... and while Mariah, Chelsea and I were headed back to town... we stopped by the Antique just to see if it was open (someone told us it closed at twelve & it was five... but I was really eager to know)... well, to our surprise & gladness... the shop was open. We hurried in & the woman standing at the desk said "We were just closing up. Can I help you?" and I joyfully responded, "That's ok, I just had a question for you" and without hesitation she smiled and said "I know who you are"... then, she started writing out different names of the Brasell and showed me how they were all connected. It my heart I kept thinking, I wish I knew Papaw's name so that I could tell her we were related. After us both naming off different people, she finally said "Well, CD had a daughter named Kitty..." and I stopped her mid-sentence to say "KITTY! THATS CORAIF! THE ONE I HAVE BEEN TELLING YOU ABOUT! YOU CALL HER KITTY BUT HER REAL NAME IS CORAIF!!!". All of the pieces fit together.. She then went on to tell me about CD (my Papaw) and his brother Raymond. Suddenly, everything fit :) I was standing before family! Mrs Barbara told me that her husband was my great-grandpas brother! How exciting? So, every single one of the Brasell's from church are MY FAMILY! She then told me that the Brasell's wanted to have me over for dinner & that they would all just get together... a family dinner?! What more could I ask for? I am so super excited!!
Here I am.. still Chynna... longing for a family of her own. Once I started this 365 JOURNEY that meant no more fantasizing about a future family.. Being thankful & praying for them, yes. But, not hoping to have one anytime soon. I am still Chynna wanting people to call relatives... wanting to spend time with a group of people that are all related to me. I am still Chynna. Then BAM! Out of no where, God brings me family... and not only family, but MY FAMILY! I do not have to pretend.. they are really mine :) They are the children of my Papaw! They are godly men & women who serve at the same church that I do.
God is so behind all of this :) I love His hand in my life!!!
Another really cool thing that is keeping me humbled. A woman came up, Tucker's mom and introduced herself. She was pretty excited to meet me! Her name was Mrs Kay. Right after our introduction, she told me about how she married into the Brasell family (so I would be directly related to her husband) and she said... that she used to have an aunt who dated CD (my Papaw) in high school. They were high school sweethearts. Well, when she was 17 she got sick and passed away. My Papaw then moved to Mobile, met my great grandmother.... and then Mrs Kay said something that I may never forget... and the words are still ringing in my ears "If my aunt would have lived, she would have married your great grand father & you would not be alive today". I am so humbled. God chose me! He did. He chose that I would have life & live for him! I am so humbled... so blessed!
What a joyful day?! I am so grateful to be in God's family. I am so grateful for His hand in my life!! He is my LOVE!
There is a lot on my heart today. It has been such a wonderful start of my fourth day in this 365 JOURNEY! Hope that God is taking you deeper as I share the mini revelations I receive...
God bless
Thankful for: my FAMILY.
Wow... That's pretty awesome if I do say so myself! I'm sharing in your excitement on this. I pray that your newly found family blesses you in so many ways this summer!