What an absolutely beautiful day! The sky is so pretty. God made a really perfect picture with the clouds and the blue surrounding them. I couldn’t help but look up and be blessed.
The day has been very busy. From nine to twelve we did A LOT of paperwork in the office. My mood was very serious. Hopefully I did not offend anyone. When I get in serious mode, I stay there until the job is done. That is just the way I am.
After the office, I went home for lunch. Then visited a cute shop, went for a walk, wrote a recommendation for a good friend, and picked up Mariah! Mariah and I brought Brandi (mom) her coupon book! She is about to get some really good deals!!! HEHE! We went to the Hilbun’s after that! It was nice to see Ashley. She is such a lovely woman and being around her is always refreshing.
Following that, we went to Walmart to pick up some ice cream. I found yummy blue berries there and ate an entire box on the way home! I REALLY LIKE FRUIT.
That is the basic outline of the day.
What happened on the inside was so much better. All through out the day, I was reminded of the joy that the LORD always carries. He allowed me to walk in His light and in His joy all day. My heart rejoices when I think about the way He restored the joy of His salvation within me today.
If any of you are encouraged at all by Christ's saving grace, receive His joy today! Just laugh a pure laugh with Him. Enjoy Him. Always remember that the communion that we have with each other we also have with HIM!
Take the rest of your life searching out God & you will ALWAYS be satisfied :) Because His presence is more than enough!
Go be alone with God!! JUST DO IT!!
"Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter" Proverbs 24:11
There are people all around you that need to know the love of God. God has so graciously poured out all that He is to lead you in the way everlasting. Now is your opportunity to thank Him for all that He has done... by sharing His love with all that surround you... including your parents, siblings, friends, co-workers... anyone :) God is with YOU. You are with them! So the love of Christ! (BTW) This is only possible if you stay in communion with Him! Stay close to Him. He is with you!!
Hope you all are blessed. Praise God for ALL He has done...
If you are waiting on a breakthrough, or the drought to end.... GO NOW & THANK GOD! JUST PRAISE HIM! Your victory is in worship.
& Remember... worship IS a lifestyle.
God bless you all!!
Ps- we are leaving for Student Life Camp in TN tomorrow morning. There is a big chance that I will not be blogging until we get back! If that is the case, I will do my best to catch you all up ASAP :) Keep us in your prayers as we travel & meet together with other Christians to worship God and grow in our faith! Thank you all for your support!! I LOVE YOU GUYS!
Thankful for: today.
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