& this is why...
Alright, just a brief overview of what happened! On Saturday night, I became very sick with the flu. Many did not think it was the flu, but I know my body. So... we were still on choir tour (as some of you may remember) and it started with a terrible migraine... which ended up bringing along achy pains EVERYWHERE, scratchy throat, fever and some throw up (may be a little tmi). Well, because of the way I looked, my host home parent did not see it best for me to perform that morning. I stayed in bed. Everything continued, except the headache (they gave me medicine, which I believe took the headache away). Once church was over, Brandi & Ms Judy (host home mom) came to check on me. I was not looking too good, so they said that I was to stay in Gadsden with Mr Paul (he is the music director of the church that we were singing for that morning) and his wife. We met up with them, and I went with them from there. Going to their house was a joy, they were so kind to me. A big part of me did not want anyone to have to take time out of their day to take care of me (my character) but all of the sick that was in me helped me to get over that really fast. Paul & Cindy's last name is Harbison and we will use that name to make all of this reading easier to understand. I stayed the night with the Harbison's and the next morning I was feeling a little better (and supposedly looked a lot better) so we headed to meet Michael & Gilly. We all ate lunch at the Galleria and then I left the Harbison's and headed home with Michael & Gilly.
I arrived in Thomasville on Monday night. Brandi & Michael took good care of me, as always.
Nothing much happened between Monday & now... except, I went for a walk and became exhausted (decided to never walk when I am sick again), tried to go to work tuesday but got sent home because I was still sick... and slept the rest of the day & night.
Last night I called Taylor Troha & asked her to pray for me. I really wanted to be better before today because Wednesday nights are our big nights with the youth & the group is going to be reading through the entire book of 2 Timothy & I did not want to miss that. Well, she prayed... and so did A BUNCH of other folks.
I asked the Lord to forgive me of my sins and wash me clean, that I may be healed upon waking up.
Around five a.m., I woke up. My alarm was not set to go off for another hour, so I was not sure what to do. Then the Spirit led me to read the Word. This was so exciting! I read through 1 Timothy & was encouraged and well. God healed me.
He ALWAYS hears us. He always loves us.
"Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen" 1 Timothy 1:17
"A woman should learn in quietness and full submission" 1 Timothy 2:11
"Beyond all question, the mystery from which true godliness springs is great: He appeared in a body, was vindicated by the Spirit, was seen by angels, was preached among the nations, was believed on in the world, was taken up in glory" 1 Timothy 3:16
"For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, because it is consecrated by the word of God and prayer" 1 Timothy 4:4
"Do not rebuke an older man harshly, but exhort him as if he were your father. Treat younger men as brothers, older women as mothers, and young women as sisters, with absolute purity" 1 Timothy 5:1&2
"For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it" 1 Timothy 6:7
His grace is on my mind... one of the most amazing verses that I read in first timothy this morning was this, "The grace of our Lord was poured out on me abundantly, along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus" (1 Timothy 1:14). Only He could explain to you how He used this verse to remind me of who I am in Christ. There are so many things in this world that want to tell us to work for the salvation that we have freely received. The truth is, salvation was a GIFT! and I will receive it in full today & everyday.
This morning, after all of these beautiful revelations, my prayer was that God would never let anything come in the way of me and Him... no work, no power, no fear... nothing! Because God has freely given me the grace to come to His throne ALL BECAUSE OF THE SACRIFICE OF HIS SON & I never want to live as if that sacrifice was not enough.
If you need to be forgiven, ask Him to forgive you and He will! He is merciful.
Serving Him is a joy :) And always will be.
Thankful for: the Harbison family, the prayers of my friends & family, the Word of God & His grace.
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