July 5, 2011
You know those days that start out really hard and end up really blessed? Well, any day ends up blessed. Thankfully.
“Out of the fullness of God’s grace we have all received one blessing after another” John 1:16
This morning I woke up early, got ready, went to the church, studied and prayed in the 24/7 Intercessory Prayer room, headed back home, fell asleep, woke up later than I expected and missed a meeting. Once I got up, I texted my boss and he did not respond, so I headed to the church. Unfortunately, I was not on time. He was really nice and understanding when I definitely did not deserve his mercy. There were a few tasks for me, so I finished them as quick as possible. While I was trying to figure something out on the printer, I started to cry. I could not understand how to do what needed to be done. My house dad, Michael, helped me. This made me cry even harder. Instead of appreciating his help immediately, I went back to my office feeling inadequate. Why I let something so small get to me, I do not know.
Something as small as crying at work is not normal for me. So, I fought all of my emotions and prayed to the LORD asking Him why I felt so upset. He showed me a lot about myself. One thing that He pointed out was the fact that I was trying so hard to please Him, when He was already pleased with me. When I should have been looking to His success, I was allowing my thoughts to be on my failures. This is not necessary.
In Philippians we are told to think on “Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy” (4:8). If all Christians took these instructions to heart, instead of avoiding them because they seem impossible, we would get rid of every problem. When we think on things that are not pleasing, we fall. Our hearts should always be on who God is and what He is doing. That is the only way to avoid sin.
Today, I am re-learning how to keep my eyes on Him. After all, He is all that I want to look at.
After working in the office I went home, to Walmart, back to the office to meet up with Mariah, back to Walmart, then to the church for choir practice.
During practice, God spoke to me a lot. Two main things were “everything is a choice”. God was showing me how every thing that I do is a choice. Whether or not I receive His joy is a choice. Smiling and laughing is a choice. I choose to be joyful.
Another thing. My lines for one of the skits that I am in are as follows “Are you living a so-so life? Is it just alright? Think about this: Ephesians 3:20 tells us that God is able to far more than we could ever ask or imagine according to His power that is at work within us. Then, in John 10:10 Jesus tells us that He came to give us life and life to the full. Then in Romans 8:16&17 it says that we are children of God. Now if we are children, then we are heirs-heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ. What about that is just alright?” When I said this line, I felt like I was hearing a sermon. It was spoken directly to my heart. There is no way that things can just be SO SO! WE ARE CHILDREN OF GOD!!! HAHAHA! HEIRS OF GOD AND CO-HEIRS WITH CHRIST! HALLELUJAH!
So, the day ended wonderful. God took my weakness and reminded me of His strength. His love is unfailing. He is always pouring out all that He is, so that we are able to live. Praise Him!!
It is a wonderful day to praise Him & to smile & laugh & receive all the joy that is around us.
“With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation” Isaiah 12:3
Thankful for: God’s grace & mercy.
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