Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Day 253.


"Well, we have nothing if not belief"

I am one to daydream, imagine, and envision as much as possible. In the beginning of my walk with God, He allowed me to see so many wonderful visions and dreams; such things allowed me to understand God's character in ways that I did/do not deserve. At first, all I could think of was these things I had seen. As time went on, life started to catch up to me. My desire to know God increased all the more, because I felt as if I was loosing touch with Him. Never did He leave me! We remained one; we remain one! It was hard to adjust to every day life without the security of knowing that I would have time to rest and meditate on God's Word for hours throughout the day. Every day, responsibilities covered me. This new schedule was a gift from God, but something that would take time to adjust to. No matter what has come my way, there remains an inward desire that consumes my thoughts & ways, this desire is to know the Lord. The words of Paul, "I want to know Christ, yes- to know the power of His resurrection and participation in His sufferings, becoming like Him in His death and so somehow obtaining to the resurrection from the dead" (Philippians 3:10&11), enter my mind more than any other words. I hope to know Christ- to really know Him. To live from that position of knowledge of the Holy One! So, my heart has not changed (even when my actions are different than before). God is my desire, my greatest HOPE. For about seven or eight months now, I have been battling with this constant reminder that my thoughts are not as they used to be. Instead of never really thinking about much aside from God, I am concerning myself with responsibilities, work, school and anything else that comes to me on a daily basis. The truth is, I am growing up. My salvation is secure in Jesus, not because of what I do but because of what He did. The enemy, who disguises Himself as light, would love to make me think that I ought to work for my salvation (if you have given yourself over to this lie, I urge you to recognize it as a lie and to just worship God freely from the love that you have for Him. This lie is destructive and will kill the one who feeds off of it. God only requires that we are obedient unto Him. Obedience is a result of love. Love comes from the Father. God is love). Well, on Sunday night God opened my eyes and blessed me with His love. He used "The Voyage of the Dawn Treader" to reveal Himself to me! In the third movie of Narnia, three kids enter Narnia when a picture becomes real life and floods their room. The flood takes them to an ocean where Prince Caspian rescues them and brings them up to the boat called The Dawn Treader! Two of the kids are main characters from the previous story, but one of the kids is hesitant and refuses to accept the fact that Narnia is a beautiful place. In the movie, the kids are told that in order to remove the evil around them, they have to remove the evil within them. If they refuse the sin within, they will conquer the evil around them. It is such a beautiful concept. I related so much with the young girl. She thought of her looks and desired to look like her older sister. In the middle of the movie, Lucy was looking in the mirror at herself hoping to look like her sister. Aslan appeared to her and told her of her purpose and worth. I needed to hear that part. At the end of the movie, Aslan tells her that He let her come to Narnia for a little bit, so that she would better understand Him in her own world. He said that she wouldn't be coming back to Narnia, but that He would be watching her in His world. He also said that one day they would be together again. The entire ending spoke to me and allowed me to see what God has done for me. He allowed me to visit with Him in heavenly places that others would not even imagine and blessed me so much in the spiritual in order that I would better understand Him in the natural. Although I may never go back to those places, He is still with me. I am still returning to Him one day. Wow. So I no longer feel as if I return to "my Narnia" instead, I am thankful that He allowed me to experience such a heavenly place. What He has shown me has helped me to better understand Him and to see Him in everyday life.

Know that God is love

"Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Anyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love, does not know God, because God is love."- 1 John 4:7&8

Today is a beautiful day. It is a day to celebrate the love of God (but what day is not?) Enjoy today as much as you can!! Enjoy the love of God. If you have never enjoyed His love before, start today! Look around, find Him... I KNOW THAT IF YOU SEEK HIM, YOU WILL FIND HIM!!!

"You will seek me and FIND ME when you seek me with all your heart" Jeremiah 29:13

1 comment:

  1. Chynna! That was so beautiful!! Makes me want to cry (in a good way). I am so glad that you are such a wonderful instrument of God! I really needed to read your post... Now I want to watch Narnia! I never really looked at the 3rd movie in depth. Now I will! I'm so blessed to have you in my life! I grow closer to God by your example and words. I hope you gain much reward in Heaven!

