July 6, 2011
Waking up early, getting on a church bus and traveling eight hours to a big city in Tennessee sounds ideal to me… well, that’s what happened today! Choir tour started this morning.
Traveling was nice. It definitely did not feel like eight hours, which was wonderful. The ride up here consisted of eating peanuts & chocolate, singing, the guys playing guitar, walky talky conversations with the other bus, jokes, praise, pictures, reading Colossians as a group, talking about what it means to be a Christian and being reminded/reminding others of the importance of being gentle and quiet.
Arriving in Union City was refreshing. Getting dressed and ready to place quickly and then we practiced for a little. Immediately after practice, we had a little meeting and then on we went!
While we sang and did our skits, I was extremely humbled. Singing to the LORD was a joy. When it came time for my part in one of the skits, I could not remember the verses that I was supposed to be saying. In front of a congregation that I had never met before, I forgot my lines. All I could do was stand there and hope that God would refresh my memory.
One of the things that we were told to do if we forgot our lines was to look at Ms Luker, who would be sitting on the pew in front of me and she would (I guess) remind of silently of what we were supposed to say. Because my lines were straight scripture, she was not prepared to help me.
In that moment, when I looked at her for help, I was reminded that the only one we can ever put our trust in is the Lord. It is that simple. Many people tell me that saying so is a little much, but I do not see how. Jesus Himself did not put His trust in man. Also, the very middle verse of the Bible says “It is better to put your hope in the LORD than to trust in man” (Psalm 188:8).
I stood on stage with absolutely no words coming out of my mouth, hoping for guidance of some sort. Thankfully, the Lord allowed me to speak the scripture. Following that, I am supposed to share my testimony. So, I did. Well, I DID. Instead of really letting God speak through me, I rushed through and shared what He did.
Tonight I realized many things. God is in control, even when I mess up. He is able to do far more than I could EVER ask or imagine.
Humbled, thankful, and blessed would be three words to describe my current state. God is so good to me… and I want to spend my entire life recognizing that fact. Everything He does is good. He never fails. He is with us and is the only One able to pick us up and carry us in our weakness. Not only is He the only One, but He does it joyfully.
Our God is love. Let us return the love by praising Him in all that we do! PRAISE HIM ☺
Thankful for: Alicia Conn, choir tour, revelation, humility, and joy.
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