Today was humbling. That is all.
We slept in, headed to the Ocoee River, went white water rafting, then traveled three hours and now are in a Fairfield Inn for the night.
The entire day was a reflection of two things...
1. My weakness
2. God's strength
I accidentally said a word today when I cut my leg. It was not a "curse" word & would not even be considered "bad" by the world... but my heart hurt so bad whenever it came out of my mouth. Jesus Christ would not have said what I said, and therefore it was not right. After asking for forgiveness, I was comforted by the Holy Spirit.
Another weakness was shone. My eyes were not 100% focused.
Seeing my weakness allowed me to recognize God's perfect strength.
Even though, I was humbled... I was also lifted up.
We spent a few hours finishing up the book of Matthew. Reading the life of Jesus with the youth was refreshing. It broke me, but filled me with inexpressible joy. Hearing that your Savior was forsaken, alone, spit on, beaten, cursed, crowned with thorns and hung on a cross to die a sinners death... will break you. It also has the power to bring you great joy. Just thinking about the fact that Jesus gave His life so that I would be able to commune with the Father brings a face to my face (and tears to my eyes). He made the perfect sacrifice, one that I will never be able to make... and He did it for sinners like me. For people like me who speak without thinking & fail to remember Him always in their thoughts. I am so thankful that Jesus died. I am so thankful that he made a way for me, a sinner, to have an intimate relationship with the one who is Holy! WOW! Thank You, Jesus Christ.
I hope you all repent of the sin that you have become entangled in & see His glorious strength... that is capable of pulling you out of all darkness. His love is STRONG.
Something that really stuck out to me about our reading was when Jesus rose from the dead it said, "He is not here; he has risen, just as he said" (Matthew 28:6). When I read that, I heard "Jesus is faithful to His word". Jesus will always be true to His word. That is His character. I am thankful for His faithfulness. Today & everyday.
Forgiveness was on my heart today. Read Matthew 18:15-35.
"It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; the glory of kings is to search out a matter" Proverbs 25:2
The book of Malachi is humbling.
Alright, it is bed time. Hope you all find rest in Him. He is peaceful.
Also read Proverbs 1:32&33.
Thankful for: tears, laughs, smiles, creation, the Word available to us, Christ's blood that covers our sins, and God-fearing friends.
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