Friday, September 9, 2011

Day Ninety-Two.


"Your job is to become that newer researcher" Kate L. Turabian

This morning, I was reading in our Research Seminar book on writing in Turabian. This quote caught my attention and suddenly I was applying Turabian encouragement to my walk with Christ. Your job is to become that newer researcher... in writing research papers, it is important to dig deeper and find out more about the topic than others have. When you finish a paper, you should have found out more than those in the past knew. You are the researcher, really. Well, the same applies to Christianity... to walking with God. Every day, God is doing something new. He is constantly working in all things and through all things. The opportunity before us, as Christians, is to become that newer researcher, the one who seeks Him and searches out the depths of who He is.

I believe that everything we do leads to a knowledge of the Holy One. The catch is, are we willing to seek that knowledge out? Because, if we are, then we will find that God is every where. That knowledge will open us up to the realization that God is pouring out His favor and love over us in all situations.

There is so much to learn. The more we learn, the more we are expected to give. We receive in order that we may pour out.

"Therefore, holy brothers and sisters, who share in the heavenly calling, let us fix our eyes on Jesus, whom we acknowledge as our apostle and high priest" Hebrews 3:1

"For every house is built by someone, but God is the builder of all things" Hebrews 3:4

Please pray that I would become so selfless, in order for Christ to reign through me in all things. May He become greater & I become less.

To God be the glory forever.

Thankful for: days full of class & homework, sunflowers and Hebrews.

ps- some time last week I was walking a friend of mine back to his dorm. He was in a wreck a while back and was paralyzed from his shoulders down. As he pushed himself down the sidewalk in his wheelchair, I claimed that it was a miracle that he was able to move his arms like that, being paralyzed. He returned with a quick "the miracle is that God changed my heart". His words keep piercing me day after day. I am so comforted with the truth that God changing our hearts is the most miraculous thing that could have ever taken place. My friend and I have a similar story; God rescued us from a life of pitiful seeking and gave us the one thing we did not deserve. Life was awarded through the blood of Jesus. This "ps" is just a reminder that God is in the miracle business. God changing lives is a miracle. God changing a heart of stone into a heart that loves IS a miracle.

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