Sunday, September 25, 2011

Day One Zero Eight.

DAY 108


A few quotes from Damon Thompson

"I don't want to sit under a worship leader who has a good voice and poor morals"

"Never not receive a person because they haven't arrived"

"If you do not like the letter, do not get mad at the man delivering the mail, get mad at the one who wrote the letter".... really, don't get mad at all :) you get the point though.

I'm going to diligently inquire...

Are you allowing yourself to be controlled by the operation of the Spirit of God?

Is your will subject to the operation of the Spirit of God?

The key in all things is allowing the Spirit of God to work through you what He is working in you.

It is the sweetest treat to watch God work in all things. What an honor it is to be used by God. When I pray, He answers. Why? Our God is so lovely. How unworthy am I... yet, He uses me every moment that I look to Him. May that be every moment. This brings me joy unspeakable. If I could relay to you all the love and joy that God pours out over me, in words, I would. But, I am unable to do so. Instead, I will live the rest of my life living from that position of love and joy. I give my life to the relaying of God's message, which is love. To Him be the glory forever and ever. Amen.

Lately I have been overwhelmed with the love that I have known. God is always revealing Himself to me. It is a love that causes me to let go of ways that are not glorifying and clinging to the good that surrounds me. His care for me has produced in me a care for Him, which in turn causes me to care for the people around me. The love that I express daily is out of a love for my Father in heaven. My heart is to please the Father & to live my life in such a way that others may see His love through me and so desire to please Him too.

There is a friend that I have communicated with a lot these past few months. This friend prays for me, daily. Prayer takes place out of a love for the Father. He longs to see me excel in the ways of God, so that God will use me in all things. Having this friend in my life has brought me great encouragement and freedom. All glory be to God. Amen.

Our God is sweet & lovely. Just yesterday, I received a text from a friend of mine and she asked me to meet up with her to talk about what God has been doing. We met. God is wonderful!!! IN EVERY WAY! A little over a year and a half ago, I had to let go of this friend because we were not on the same page or longing for the same things. I was a new believer desiring to please God and she was not as concerned with Him as I was. Knowing that letting go of her would prove beneficial, I did. I prayed & prayed that God would reveal His love to her. After a year and a half, God answered me :) NEVER GIVE UP!!! My friend now has a fresh fire and deep burning to see God glorified in all things. This is just one example about how if you give to God what is dear to your heart, He will purify it and use it for the good. In this case, I was even given my friend back :) We plan to meet for coffee once a week... the coffee isn't our desire or aim. Our aim is to see one another grow, to encourage one another and to discuss how God is working in our individual lives. I am so blessed. So glad to have her back in my life :) Our friendship is finally real. All glory to God. Amen.

Quite a few times these last few weeks, I have been eager to pray for my husband and children. I am so excited and filled with wonder... :) All I know is that God Himself is for me.... :) Not because I am in any way righteous, but because His Son died on a cross that I would have a way to Him! Wow! All glory to God. YES!!! PRAISE YAHWEH!!!

Being a citizen of the Kingdom of God is hard work sometimes, but it is enjoyable and rewarding. Everything done for the glory of God is rewarding. If you give every part of who you are over to God, you will experience great joy and hope. Our hope is in the coming of our Lord Jesus.


Today is a great day to smile & thank God. You are alive.

Thankful for: my room, the Hilbun's, Brooke, Brittany, and Thomasville Baptist Church.

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