Monday, September 5, 2011

Day Eighty-Eight.


"Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place where He prayed" Mark 1:35

wow, how beautiful is our Lord

The following is a journal entry/blog from two days ago... it was written as we headed to Memphis, TN

September 3, 2011
Journal Entry
Blog- Chynna Lee

It is only appropriate to live as if we have been resurrected from the grave. This is simply understood, because we have been resurrected. Before we knew Christ Jesus, we walked in death day after day. The truth is, we longed for life and looked for it in every thing that we participated in.

Instead of being fulfilled, we packed more and more onto our schedules or into our minds in order to find life. Life was shining all around us, but we had no idea how to receive it. The moment we gave up the work and asked for Salvation from all of our wicked ways, God gave us life.

What was a mystery before became revealed. Life was gained through death. Dying completely to self was all that it took. Saying yes to the one who first resurrected from the grave made it possible for us to wake up out of death and into life. All praise to God, our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ for life.

Because we once walked in darkness and were radically delivered into light, we are to continue in the light. There is no reason to follow the ways we knew before. Instead, we are called to something much higher. Our calling is to let go of everything we once held so dear, those strongholds that killed us day-by-day, and follow The Way with all that we are.

We are able to receive as much of God’s love as we choose. The stretch is, we must receive God’s love. He pours it over us constantly. Are we acknowledging His love? Are we noticing His presence in our lives? If so, we have tasted and seen that the Lord is good. This being the case, we also see that nothing can separate us from the love of God. Nothing else even grasps our attention anymore. The ways of the world now make us uncomfortably passionate for God to be glorified.

Those have not yet chosen God to be their all in all will choose Him. It is now or later. Those who choose now, choose to walk in eternity now. Those who say yes to the call on their lives say yes to being citizens of Heaven while still on earth. This means those who walk by faith in the Son of God are not known here, for the world did not even know Him. Those who have failed to accept God as their everything have only failed to see the truth. For He is who He says He is.

As Christians, we can not hesitate to spread the love that has been so graciously given to us. We know the truth of living in God’s presence, we know the satisfaction of His favor, we know the peace that surpasses all understanding, and we have life. Let us share this love, this life, with all that we come in contact with. Regardless of how we feel or what we do/do not feel, let us spread the love of Christ with all that God has given us to minister to.

Being alive means that no matter how unworthy you feel, how unprepared you think you are, what you have done, where you have been, you still choose to look to Him and worship Him (as a lifestyle). It means not focusing on your faults, but looking to His perfection. When we look to God’s strength, instead of our weakness, we are able to overcome all that is before us. His strength is greater than any strength ever, simply because He created strength and no creation is greater than the Creator.

Look to God and see Him for who He is. Focus on His love for you; it has the power to change a broken man into a worshipping warrior. Worship is the key; the key for all things really. Worshipping God as a lifestyle is the only way any man will ever truly be complete, for we were created to worship. Worship is our calling, destiny, purpose, and eternity. Everything comes back to worship. Because you have been set free, choose worship and live.

fast forward to...TODAY

This morning has been beautiful. I have had the most fulfilling, pleasant time with the Lord. All I can say is... meet with Him when He calls your name. If you hear Him, do not harden your hearts. Listening to Him is the sweetest. Thank You, Jesus, for making a way for us to the Father. Amen.

"After me comes the one more powerful than I, the thongs of whose sandals I am not worthy to stoop down and untie" Mark 1:7 This is a quote from John the Baptist. Reading over it this morning brought me to tears. Look at his humility, his understanding of the Lord Jesus Christ. John the Baptist in no way competed for a name. Instead, he did the opposite and claimed his unworthiness. In the next verse, John the Baptist is the one baptizing Jesus. Wow, what an honor? It is beautiful how God honors the one who humbles himself. Please pray that God's people would humble themselves and lift Jesus higher and higher. That instead of seeking self-glorification, we would work together to bring praise to the name of our Savior. That we would all call out in unity "He must become greater, I must become less". The truth is, humility is key. In all things, humility is key. The lower we are, the higher we are able to see Him. We all know that when we see Jesus for who He is, things change. He holds all power. Lord, let us see that.

"When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd. So he began teaching them many things" Mark 6:34. My prayer is that we, as God's children, would become compassionate just as Jesus was.

The Word of God is powerful. No matter who you are, where you have been, how you view the Bible, who has taught you... no matter what, YOU NEED TO KNOW THE WORD OF GOD. It has the power to save you. Read on.

Be blessed :)

God is here. God is real. God is willing.

Thankful for: Thomasville, prayer, the Bible, the Hilbun's, & fellowship with God Himself.

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