You know, God is just always doing a wonderful thing! He is constantly working all things together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). I am honored to be a child of God. This morning, I was very relaxed (simply because I did not have class) and so I was able to just enjoy the morning in peace... all alone with the Lord. Midday Mary Cate woke up and we talked a little, then I headed to the school for a meeting. The meeting went well. My pastors wife came to our school to speak at the IMF/MA meeting. She spoke to us about the opportunities to serve the homeless in our community. I was very glad to be in there. As she talked, my heart was turned. To think of what it would be like to be homeless is beyond me. How could I ever know? These last few weeks, I have been "homeless" but not really. God has provided a place for me to stay, food for me to eat (plenty), and financially He is always blessing me. His blessings are more than enough for me. As we sat there in that meeting, I couldn't help but think... I have no idea what it is like to be completely without... and understood that is because my Father is the One who has EVERYTHING. All things belong to my Father. His children will never be in need. Knowing this, I am compelled to love. Compelled to share with the homeless (and everyone really) the good news that God is willing to adopt them into His family. That if they are in need of a Papa, God will be the one to take them in. All they are to do is ask. So my heart is changing & being shaped by LOVE.
The rest of the day was interestingly blessed. God made everything work out. Rested (took a nap on accident), went to cross country practice (was very thankful for my times), finished up a few assignments, and Chill with the McDowells. Mary Cate is moving to Idaho on Friday, so I have been spending much time with her! :)
There is so much happening. I want everyone to know that God is really really doing an amazing thing in and around me. He is deepening my understanding of His love & requiring my obedience in supernatural things. For instance, yesterday He laid in on my heart to pray over many people that were sick or injured. A lot of them told me immediately that their pain was gone. I was so grateful to be apart of what God was doing. It is always such a joy to serve the LORD. To know Him and be known by Him is all I ever want in this life.
God is God. He is great, wonderful, powerful, loving, patient and perfect in every way.
Find Him in all things. Look for Him & you WILL find Him... He IS everywhere :)
Thankful for: this day, other believers, frozen yogurt, the McDowell's, mission opportunities, and the book of 1st John.
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