Monday, August 1, 2011

Day fifty-two!


I really just want to be a wife of noble character. My desire is to be a woman who respects her husband and submits to him always. To bring God glory through the relationship with my husband is what I long for. Yes, I am young... Yeah, I do not have a husband yet... but I believe that those who desire to be wives and those who desire to be moms... will! So, I am standing firm in that today.

Just so y'all know... some days I think of being married often.... and that's just the truth.

It is days like these when I realize that all I can do is pray & seek God concerning my future. He is in total control and is the only one who is able to work all things together for my good.

Today, I am leaving Thomasville... heading to Mobile, then Atlanta... I will spend about a month away from Thomasville and then head back to live with the Hilbun's for a little while. There are changes being made & I am so grateful for them.

So much has happened that just reminds me of the amount of grace that I have been given. If you know me, you know that material possessions are not that important to me. Yeah, I am a girl who shops... but I am not completely consumed with the idea of having the latest things... well, this summer God had to remind me of the importance of putting no hope in things of this earth... as soon as I learned that lesson, He started blessing me with all kinds of gifts.... so undeserved.

He has used Brandi & Michael to really bless me in every way. It has been FOREVER since I have received so many gifts at once... but, through receiving ... I am beginning to see how much God wants for us. I am realizing how everything belongs to Him and if we live to please Him, He blesses us with presents... simply because He loves us.

I have been overwhelmed by His love lately... just falling on my knees praising Him.

Guys, I really would appreciate your prayers... My heart is calling out for REST & CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP. When I say Christian fellowship, I mean... getting together with other believers and communicating with God together. Our communion is not only supposed to be with each other only, but with God Himself.

Well, I need to go read now. Hope you all find yourselves drawing closer to God Himself...

Oh and one last thing... I came across this verse in James 1 yesterday that said something like this "Those who consider themselves religious, and yet do not keep a tight reign on their tongues so deceive themselves and their religion is worthless. Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and holy is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world"

Think about it.

Love you all.

Thankful for: God, Brandi & Michael, Thomasville, the Hilbun's, and tears.

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