Wow, what a wonderfully wonderful day :) What a wonderfully wonderful life. All glory to the Father.
In the beginning of my faith, I did a lot of things with a lot of emotions and it was almost as if I was "floating"... intentionally... eventually, I stopped floating. That happened this summer actually. Instead of floating, I started soaking more. Really truly seeking truth and SOAKING in it. When you think on, speak on, and live out the Word of God... your life really changes. Everything about who you are, changes... but you stay YOU. It is not something I am able to really explain, but you know what I mean if you have been walking faithfully with the Lord.
Ten days have passed since the last time that I wrote. That was intentional. In order to breathe, learn and seek... I took some time away from writing... it has been good for me.
What has happened since the last time I wrote?
-Left Atlanta, came to Mobile
-Went to a Revival where Britton & Tiff led worship
-Started cross country
-Went to New Orleans with my granny
-Helped my brother to the hospital, he got staff in his foot
-Spent time with Mary Cate McDowell
-Got acquainted with the new team members
-Participated in the events of "Ram Rush" thus far... Dinner Royale
What has God been doing?
He changed my life with His sweet grace
Every moment of everyday, He is really changing me
I am learning a bunch about seeking & finding
He brought many new people into my life who are in love with Him
I met a new friend who is in a wheelchair & God told me He would heal him... then, he told my friend the same thing... then he told the guy the same thing..... :) we are believing in faith that God will heal him completely. I'll stand in faith w/ them.
So much is happening, really :)
This semester, I am not living on campus. It is going to be good. Being here with all of my friends and my supposed to be roommate has not been challenging at all... which is surprising :) Thank You Lord. Instead, I am excited about the opportunities He has already given me to love the people with the love that God has given me.... and the ones that He will give me in Mobile & Thomasville this year. It seems like an advantage... I have two ministries... one in Mobile and one in Thomasville.
Thank You Lord.
There is much that I would love to say, but to keep it short... here goes:
-Thank you to all who have prayed for me.
-Please keep praying that I would have undistracted devotion for the Lord.
-Keep me posted on what God is doing.
-I will start regularly writing again.
-Stay focused on God's love.
-Ask God to identify you in Christ.
I love you all :)
Thanks for following....
Stuck in this today.... "Lord, who can dwell in your sanctuary? Who can live on your holy mountain? The one whose walk is blameless, who does what is righteous, who speaks the truth from their heart".... Psalm 15:1&2
Alright, hope you all realize how blessed you are.... Remember, John 1:16 says, "Out of the fullness of God's grace we have all received one blessing after another"
Grace & Peace to you all....
<3 Chynna Love
ps- here are some pictures to show you what I have been up to....

Thankful for: new friends, UM, and long days.
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