The entire day was awesome! Altogether, wonderful... to say the least.
My little brother had seventh grade registration, so I spent the morning with him getting his books together, helping him find his classes, and watching him figure out a locker :) Talk about enjoyable. My mom and I did the best we could being quiet and letting him figure things out on his own... it was hard & I might have failed :)
We (Alex & I) then headed out of Mobile & to Atlanta... a long drive, for sure :) But it was enjoyable in every way. My little brother is hilarious. I have come to the understanding that all people are humorous, well guys at least... I love it :) How did I not realize how funny men are MY WHOLE LIFE? Hehe.
It was super cool being with my brother. As I drove, I asked him to read aloud to me the first chapter of a book called A Testimony of Devotion. The entire chapter was about the inward acknowledgement of God's voice... the inward recognition of God's presence... about experiencing God inwardly and then sharing with the world what we have known to be true. It was beautiful.
After that, he read the book of James out loud to me. We discussed the book, the entire read. Hearing my sweet baby brother ask me questions about living a holy life and hearing all that he is learning blessed me so much.
During the trip, we listened to a podcast of the Ramp (I love podcasts)... and Damon Thompson talked about getting back the wine... it is a sermon that I have heard a bunch of times (and it always makes me laugh to listen to it, because I hear my voice in the background saying things like "come on") but every time, God uses it to bless me. There are many unusual things about the sermon, like the volume of Damon's voice and the amount of people hollering all sorts of things, but it is still a wonderful illustration. At one point, Damon said "If we are gonna go back to a glory we lost, we are gonna have to go back to a groan we lost".... he was saying how, we cannot expect to walk in God's glory without pursuing it... :) Think about it.
It was overall sweet & enjoyable.
Towards the end of the trip, I did not understand how we were going to end up at our destination (something like home). All I knew was that I was supposed to take a left off of the highway that we were on. In my mind, I could understand how we were going to turn left... since every exit was on the right. My little brother kept saying "we are not there yet" and I kept saying, "but, all of the exits are on the right" and he kept saying "chynna, we aren't there yet"... about the third time he told me that he followed it with "you will see when you get there" and I heard God speaking to me... He showed me how my entire life, relationships have gone one way... and how I expect the relationship that He is going to give me to go the same way... and how, that is not what is going to happen. He told me that I will not fully understand until I am there and it is before me. That excites me!! HEHE! -just so you guys know, THE EXIT WAS ON THE LEFT AND IT ALL WORKED OUT-
Once we got home (in Atlanta) we were glad :) Seeing Dan (my stepdad) really blessed me. He is a great dad, for sure.
The last couple of hours have been great, for sure.
"If anyone among you thinks he is religious, and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this one’s religion is useless. Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world." James 1:26&27
Now, some rest and such.
ps- I just read my friend Matt Moore's status and it said "Be praying for my friends Chris and Bonnie Cretton in Uganda. Bonnie has tested positive for Malaria. She has had very high fever and chills. Pray for them as Bonnie will not be able to return to the States until she is clear of Malaria. Pray for Doctors and others to be able to treat her well and that she will get the meds she needs ASAP. Pray for Christ to be patient and to find Peace in the midst of this all"... please be in prayer for this couple. Bless you all.
Thankful for: Atlanta home, Alex, Dan, friends who love me, the way God keeps His children united.
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