What a wonderful day to rejoice in what God is doing! He is working miracles all around the world, drawing thousands of people to Himself, fulfilling all of His promises, pulling people out of darkness and into light! God is doing all of this because HE IS LOVE! :) Now, rejoice in Him! Enjoy Him :) It's a choice. What will you choose?
"With joy, you will draw water from the wells of salvation" Isaiah 12:3
A while back, God allowed me to see that as Christians.. we have wells. Each one of us has our own well. The wells are full of the resources that we need here on earth. In each well there is good fruit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. He told me that no matter how much I drew from my well, He would always put back in the amount that I took out... so that I would NEVER run out. I have been drawing from that well for a year now.
For the past couple of months, I failed to draw from the well several times. I lacked in obedience, walked in sadness and forgot what was once precious to me. I did not know how to receive in full the grace of God. After confession, repentance and acceptance... I received revelation on the importance of drawing from the well that God gives us. Whether you receive or not is a choice. I choose to receive. Amen.
This morning we packed up, had breakfast, quiet time as a whole, celebration with Matt Papa (check out his albums if you have yet to listen to his music.. wonderful worship leader with a heart for God), then we were dismissed. Leaving Student Life was bitter sweet. Because the entire week was so wonderful & I met many great people, I was not necessarily excited to leave... but at the same time, I was so excited to bring the good news somewhere else! It is a joy to learn in one place and then carry that knowledge to another group of people that need to hear it. Oh how enjoyable is spreading the good news?
On the way out, I prayed for an opportunity to see Jessica again. I REALLY wanted to see her. Well, I went into the worship center to say goodbye to Lauren (a friend of mine from school) and then headed back to my students. On the way out, I spotted Jessica and called out to her! She stopped and joyfully received me. A friend of hers, one of the other leaders of Student Life, introduced herself to me with the sweetest spirit. As we shook hands, I just hugged her.. because she was absolutely precious. She then began to speak wonderful words of encouragement over me. Words that were clearly from the Lord. As she spoke, I was so grateful to see her faith expressed through our conversation. God blessed our introduction. This is the second time this week that God allowed me to meet someone who He directly spoke through about my life (& it is perfectly fine with me that He is giving out all of my information.... because these people knowing my life leads them to encourage me in truth. I am blessed by this). It is my hope that God used me to bless them the way that He used them to bless me. They are such wonderful women of God. So thankful.
We then headed out, went to the mall, five guys, the hotel (which was not ready), so we went to Books A Million and then back to the hotel. A few of the youth went down to the pool, but I wanted to write a little to keep you all up to date.
I know that God is doing mighty things everywhere! So, please feel free to message me anytime & update me on how the Holy Spirit is working around you. May you all be encouraged by the words that are written.
Praise God all who are reading :) Remember, God is good. God is God :)
WOW! The blog ended here earlier today, then a bunch went down. Praise God! I ended up going swimming earlier at the hotel pool. A lot of the youth were out there. They spent time teaching me to throw a football & essentials like that :) It was fun! One of my youth, Aubrey, shared the love of Christ with a young girl at the pool. That was encouraging! She is setting a beautiful example, regardless of her age :) 1 Timothy 4:12 says "Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity". She lives this verse today. Hallelujah! Honestly, all of my youth do. I am blessed to have them in my life for this season.
After the pool, we got ready, went to a field to worship and pray, then we ate in the field.
Following the breaking of bread :) we kind of had free time. While a few of the guys played frisbee. I asked some of the youth plus other college guys to pray with me about a friend of mine who is struggling. God heard us. I believe He heard us and will answer us according to our faith. I believe this, not because of who we are, because of who He is!! :)
This prayer turned into the meditation of God's goodness, which led to worship led by Brett Green & then Bailey Hill. We freely praised God and gave Him the praise He deserves. We moved around as a group and just praised God! It was such a free time :) Some of the youth danced, others fell to their faces, some lifted their hands and others stood in His glory. It was beautiful. God was with us. God is with us.
I am so grateful that God has allowed me the meet all of my youth. They bless me more than they will ever know. I thank God for providing me the position as their youth intern for the summer. All praise to God for Alicia Conn recommending me. God is so wonderful and has blessed me beyond what I could EVER ask for. I LOVE THOMASVILLE BAPTIST CHURCH YOUTH! :)
You guys, we have every reason to thank the Father :) I pray that you see Him where you are right now and rejoice in His grace! AMEN!
"Take me away to the secret place, let me see your grace"- something we made music for & sang tonight.
"Fill us up and send us out, LORD"- our cry. So beautiful to see God move. One of the students, Chloe Rush, was praying that God would send us out... then she overheard us singing "Fill us up and send us out" and came to join us. It blessed her that God was aligning all of our hearts. How awesome is He? And how worthy of praise? All glory be to God our Father. Amen.
Thankful for: my youth, sunny days, rest and meeting God's children.