What a great day!!! I am back in Thomasville :) Just enjoying the people around me! Work is wonderful :) We had a meeting this morning and that was good! A big piece of me wanted to be here for all that they discussed for the future! A big piece of me feels so connected to this little town... as if I grew up here! I am so grateful to be here!
Something really neat happened this morning that blessed me so much. I love God! So, we were sitting in the meeting & about to head out... Brother Ty asked how he could pray for us... which he always asks :) & this time, I kept thinking "I need help with the decisions that I am making" and even though the thought kept running through my head, I put it aside & said that Jesus could hear me... and he would help me... Well Brother Rob prayed over us and as he prayed.. he got to me and asked God to specifically help me in my decisions. I SAT THANKFUL! Even though I did not voice my request, God heard my little heart & Holy Spirit prayed through Rob :) I thought it was sweet of God to do that for me! :) He just loves His children so much & HE REALLY DOES HEAR US!
The song Convinced by Jake Hamilton just came on... definitely check it out if you get the chance!
So, at lunch... Mariah & I went to McDonald's.. and headed back to the church! Once we got back, my house mom pulled up and Mariah pointed her out to me! She said that she was picking up my dad & they were going home for lunch :) We went with them! Mariah & I went on a walk.. it was awesome! Being home, with them there, was so perfect. It was picture perfect for me! I thank God for such a beautiful family!
Today has really been wonderful! I have a few things to take care of in the office, then off to do whatever else! Most likely a run & more walking with Mariah!
When we were walking earlier. I was talking to Mariah about the importance of remaining pure. It is so necessary for us to remember that God is in control. When our focus is on Him and increasing His kingdom, He really does give us the desires of our heart. I was telling her how I really have NO desire to date or even be married right now, which is so refreshing.
See, I have HUGE dreams... some would even say unrealistic... but I trust that God has given me these dreams. I want to move to Africa & serve... I want to live in a village and walk to all of my daily activities. I want to suffer for Christ. I want to know what it is like to live with the poor. There is a desire within me to start an orphanage. To venture off to places never seen by Americans before. To run in fields with young children. There are so many dreams that have surfaced since I first started walking with God. This 365 day journey has reminded me that NO ONE can take these dreams from me. That I must stand firm in the sweet longings of my heart. I have dreams... and I am not alone! God is with me! I want to do all of these things & if it is in line with His will, I believe I will :)
Hold on to your dreams :) For the glory of Christ!!!
"Those who guard their mouths and their tongues keep themselves from calamity" Proverbs 21:23
A lot of people will say a lot of things.. and most of the things said are not beneficial... but really! Start to think about what you are saying... is it uplifting? Are you honoring God with your speech? If not, stop talking.
Be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.
I have wronged many people. I have asked for forgiveness. I am forgiven by the blood of the Lamb. Thank you Jesus for always making intercession for me.
I hope you all rejoice in this day, because you are breathing! God is with you. Search for Him! He's all around :) Everywhere you go, He is there!
Hebrews 4:13--- check it out!
God bless you all :)
Thankful for: Holy Spirit, short days in the office & water.
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