This day has been beautiful. Spent another night reading Heaven is For Real. Told myself to get some rest at midnight (I AM SO READY TO FINISH IT... I love books! Especially sweet innocent stories).
My house mom woke me up at 6:30 to go on a walk. It was nice to wake up and get some exercise with her. I never talk much in the morning, so getting a few words out was impressive. But, something great happened when we were on the walk. I heard the LORD speaking to me about being a gentle and quiet woman. He reminded me of the beauty in keeping to myself (or keeping to Him, rather). He emphasized the need to stay far away from godless chatter by simply saying "Avoid godless chatter, because those who indulge in it become more and more ungodly" 2 Timothy 2:16. How perfect is His word? There is so much power in God's word. Something that would take forever to understand, He puts simply in order to get us on our feet.
After walking, I went back to my room and sat in prayer. Praying was perfect. He heard me as I lifted my (inward) voice to Him! God hears us. He just does.
Following prayer, I fell asleep.. only to wake up a few hours later to a text telling me that we needed to be in the office at eleven. Joyfully, I stepped out of bed & got ready (it was 10:35!!). While I was getting ready again, I heard the LORD speaking to me... He reminded me that I was clothing myself in gentleness & quietness today. It blessed me so much to hear His sweet voice so clearly. In that moment, I stood grateful and agreed to partner with Him. Then again, on the way to work I heard "Gentleness & quietness today. This will please me".
Hearing God speak to me about how to clothe myself reminded me of how Jesus said that the Holy Spirit would come to us and teach us all things. I am blessed to have Him as a teacher.
On top of everything else, in Jesus Calling today.. the beginning talked about approaching God in stillness :) Just being quiet before His throne in order to hear Him. He wants us to hear Him... that is why He asks us to be still! For how would we hear Him if we were rambling on and on while He whispered secrets to us? We just wouldn't.
As a child of God it is important to hear His voice in all things. He is always speaking. Sometimes we are speaking over Him, which is far from reverent. Today, God is willing to speak to y-o-u. Be still & hear His voice.
I want to know God. To be completely devoted to only Him is why we are alive. It is our choice whether or not we will give ourselves to Him. Because I have chosen to surrender who I am to bring Him glory, I choose to listen when He speaks. If He has given you ears to hear and eyes to see, stay focused on pleasing Him. Remember, HE IS WORTHY. No one else will EVER deserve the glory & praise that He deserves.
Living here is not easy. We are small people with little insight & He is a BIG God will all insight. Serving Him brings challenges, because of our imperfections. But our focus should not be on our imperfections, instead it should be on His perfection! If we are always focused on who He is, and not who we are, then our lips will bring Him praise! He will be worshipped through our lives. Let's not look to our strength, but instead to His. Look to Him with thanksgiving. BRING HIM PRAISE WITH ME TODAY!!
"A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger" Proverbs 15:1
"The eyes of the LORD are everywhere, keeping watch on the wicked and the good" Proverbs 15:3
"The LORD detests the sacrifice of the wicked, but the prayer of the upright pleases him" Proverbs 15: 8
"Death and Destruction lie open before the LORD- how much more do human hearts" Proverbs 15: 11
"The LORD detests the thoughts of the wicked, but gracious words are pure in his sight" Proverbs 15:26
"The LORD is far from the wicked, but he hears the prayer of the righteous" Proverbs 15:29
"Wisdom's instruction is to fear the LORD and humility comes before honor" Proverbs 15:33
-be careful what you say about other people
-if you are going to question one thing, question everything
-treat others the way you want to be treated, REALLY
-love those that love you, there is a reason God has placed them in your life
-do not be afraid, but trust God
"The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth" Psalm 145:18
-Letting go is necessary. For, how could you hold on to one thing and reach for another? If your hands become too full you will eventually lose one of the things you are clinging to.
-When you let go and become free, you make room for surprises & blessings to come your way.
I will speak of the goodness of my God. Even when people turn away, I will verbalize what He does. It is possible that through my experiences others may acknowledge Gods hand. This acknowledgement has the potential to lead to thanksgiving. The possibility of others praising God keeps me bold for Christ! He is worthy of ALL praise!
Thankful for: God's patience, Brandi, books to read and loving friends.
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