Today started out fresh, to say the least... When I woke up, I was super excited to get to Mobile... and that helped me look forward to the office... Our main goal for the day was to get another chaperone that was "older" to come with us to Student Life. We called around and instead of finding someone... we found a few excuses!
Then, I called my momma & she comforted me. I felt rejected recently and getting turned down by folks in the office didn't help :) But, God used my mom to help me! She said "there is an answer" and somehow that brought me great joy.
Rob, Mariah & I made up a fun song and sang it to Mrs Tammy. It was about being rejected. Honestly, it helped us laugh & realize that we can have fun in all things.
One thing God told me this morning was that today was a day of laughter. I choose to laugh :)
This is just me being honest. Today is harder than most days!!!
A friend told me one time... "Christians go through valleys, it's how we respond to them that sets us apart"...
Valleys are nothing when we have everything we need in them :) I'm in no way saying this is a valley... but it is a tough day & I am thankful to be a Christian. I am thankful to have joy!!
God is in control today!
He is over all.
"whoever would foster love covers over an offense, but whoever repeats a matter separates close friends" Proverbs 17:9
"a friend loves at all times, and a brother was born for a time of adversity" Proverbs 17:17
"even fools are thought wise if they keep silent, and discerning if they hold their tongues" Proverbs 17:28
I am grateful to be alive today. Even though a lot is going on around me and nothing is going the way that I want it to... I am thankful... because God is in control. I trust His hand in my life. He is over all. God knows all things... and in that truth, I WILL STAND.
I had finished my blog for the day & then, BAM! Greatness happened. As all of my Thomasville family knows, I came to Mobile today to sit in at a signing. Getting down here was fun & quick :) I was so excited to be here! The signing went well.
In the middle of the signing, I sent my friend Lucy Beth a text and told her that I wanted to hug her. The response that I got back was an excited one and so I asked if she was still at the pool. The girl said, "no this is rashad" and I was so shocked. I had just realized that for the past couple of months I have been sending texts to the wrong number... I had even had conversations with this person, Rashad. How interesting? Then Rashad asked where her scripture verse for the day was... (I send them out to Lucy Beth quite often) and so, I sent her Proverbs 17:!7 & she said that it was much needed as always. How awesome? I have been texting the wrong number trying to encourage my friend for some time now... and this person was receiving all of my texts with thanksgiving. God is always over all. He uses all things for His glory. Even when we have NO IDEA what we are doing. He is awesome! He just is!
then after the signing, I headed back to Taylor's...
It was 4:30 & I was able to see God's sovereignty once again. When He tells you what is going to happen, believe Him... and obey :) No matter what else happens, be obedient. God can see your heart & is willing to direct you in all things. I am glad that He really is over all.
Finally around 5, I was able to go on a run :) Finally on my turf again :) The reason I went was because I felt like God told me to. The run was so perfect. It was all Him! Because He is over all. On the run, God made me laugh pretty hard (He was for real when He said today would be a day of laughter). At the third lap a boy started running beside me (he had been hollering at me every time that I ran by before that)... while we ran he asked me questions and was absolutely precious. I was grateful for him... and God said the neatest thing "every time that you are about ready to quit, I am going to send you encouragement". The guy who ran with me really did encourage me... and I couldn't help but remember the verse that says, "those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed". God is for real.
On the way back to Taylor's cottage, I ran into my friend Lucy Beth & told her all about how I had tried to message her earlier in the day. It was so nice to see her. She blessed me... as she spoke on the many things that the LORD was doing, including emphasizing forgiveness :) That was sweet. God knew I needed to hear everything she said.
Thankful for: God's sovereignty.
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