Wow, praise the LORD! Today has been absolutely BEAUTIFUL in every way :) I woke up this morning completely renewed! Literally, my mind was just at total peace & thanksgiving.
I have never known a moment in my life where I didn't 'like' someone UNTIL this morning!
So, this morning... I woke up thanking God for the fact that the guy that I liked is now about to be dating someone else! I was happy for them! HAHAHA! What? That just doesn't happen... Unless you know my God. I remember before falling asleep thinking... is there any hope for me? Can you just take this all away? All of these thoughts? All of these memories? Take them from me! And sure enough, He did! Why? Why is my mind renewed? Because God HEARS us. Y'all, seriously, God is always listening to our prayers! I have said it many times before, but God does not want us to be in bondage of any kind :) He sent His only Son to set us COMPLETELY free! That includes you & me! All of us :) If we would only ask in His name, He would answer us! Praise Him! Praise Him! Yes!
Well, after all of that goodness... I was able to pray & focus and thank God even more! It was wonderful! His grace is MORE than sufficient.
Trust Him with anything and everything that is on your heart... because He is REALLY for real & He is really with us. When we place our trust in Him, He makes all things work together. He is constantly making everything work together for the good of those who love Him & are called according to His will (Romans 8:28).
Then a great friend of mine, Brittany Gardner, called. It was wonderful speaking with her. God has placed her in my life. I choose to be thankful for her :) Because she is in my life for this season, I will rejoice :) Friendship is special.
The first thing I heard from the LORD this morning was "do not be concerned with civilian affairs, but rather with pleasing your commanding officer" which is in 2 Timothy 2:4... and all I could do was thank God for second chances... and third chances and fourth chances... and so on! He is always willing to bring us back to the truth. No matter what lies the people tell us, God is always eager to remind us of truth. Well, for a little over a month now.. I have been very concerned with civilian affairs. A friend of mine had called my previous way of living & me as a "loner" and that truly made me think that I had been wrong for devoting myself to the LORD and to His ways. The truth is, I was not wrong for that. So many times I tried to put "love others as you love yourself" before "love the LORD your God with all of your heart, soul, strength, and mind" ... when Jesus clearly said loving God was the GREATEST commandment... and that the second was like it!! :) I understand that as Christians we are called to spread the light & serve others always... and that's what I have been doing since the day that I first started walking with the LORD. Just because people didn't see it, doesn't mean I wasn't doing it. God can see all things & all that concerns me is that I am pleasing Him. Instead of worrying about how I appear to the people, I should ALWAYS be concerned with pleasing God. He is the true judge. He is the one that we will stand before and give account of our every action to. It is YHWH! Not some friend is 'looking out' for you. When you walk with the LORD faithfully, and you make it your life goal to serve Him with thanksgiving, He makes all of your paths right. God leads you, corrects you, and disciplines you when needed. Men come and go and so do their words, but God's Word WILL STAND FIRM FOREVER (psalm 33:11). So, this outline.. is to let all of you know that my heart is to please God, my Father! That is my only goal... thankfully that means all else will work out!
May your striving in life be to please God. He is the only one that is worthy.
I'm in no way saying, let go of all relationships.. as you can see, I LOVE people. I do. Relationships with others is my absolute favorite. But make sure your first concern is with pleasing God. Do not dishonor Him in order to please someone else. God will make all things work together. Just stay focused on pleasing Him.
Yeah, that's all.
"The name of the LORD is a fortified city; the righteous run to it and are safe" Proverbs 18:10
"One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend that sticks closer than a brother" Proverbs 18:24
We are alive so that we can live for Him! Yeah, we are alive to live for Him!
Read Acts 16 & 17 if you get the chance.
I am so thankful for all of you sweet friends who choose to follow! Let me know if there is ever any way that I can pray for you. Until then, may God draw you closer to His heart each and every moment.
Thankful for: the fact that God allows us sinners to thank Him!
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