Today, I have every reason to be grateful. It is my day off. I woke up a little later than normal to a phone call (it is rare that I ever answer a phone call before waking up, praying and reading... but it was my dear friend Brittany Hilbun). Joyfully, plus a little bit of tiredness, I spoke with her. She started to say that we needed to see each other and then the phone call was dropped.
Following that, I went to the kitchen to see my mom & dad. They were making a yummy fish lunch [yummy for them... I am not the biggest fan of fish... but, it is the only thing that I am really pick about. I guess if I could eat an unborn duck in Australia then I should learn to eat fish]... It was just good to see them :) They were goofing off & just laughing for the fun of it (they are SO funny. seriously, my mom is hilarious. She is always making me giggle). My mom made a comment about how quiet I was. In the mornings, I am very quiet.... because I hear God speaking so clearly when I first wake up. It is like His voice is so clear that all I want to do is listen as closely as possible so that I will not miss anything... I AM SO GLAD HE STILL SPEAKS!
I then stepped out to the porch to find service so that I could call Brittany back. Calling her back was a joy. She told me a little about her trip to Hondorus & how she really wanted to go back in December. Hearing her talk reminded me of I was when I first got back from Australia... just eager to plan another trip :) Hopefully God will send her back!
A little while later I went to my room to get ready. After that, Taylor Troha called. It was so nice to hear her voice. She filled me in on a few things that are new in her life. I was grateful to talk with her. Towards the end of our conversation she told me that God had restored a friendship that was once broken. All I could do was REJOICE & praise Him!
My prayer recently has been that God would give back what the enemy has stolen. That God's people would be a people of love & humility.. That instead of insisting that they are right & withholding kindness from other believers... they would love each other the way that Jesus Christ loves them.
So hearing the testimony that God restored Taylor and Tommy (her ex-boyfriend) gave me great hope that God would restore the relationships that I have been in that were broken. There are two relationships that I am believing God will purify. It is His will that we be a people of unity, so I know without a doubt in my mind that God WILL bring peace between me and my friends :) I know He will. That's just His character.
Realizing that Brittany & Taylor called me today brings me to a place of thanksgiving. It is rare that I get the opportunity to really talk with someone my age and just hear stories of God's love in their life. Being able to have friends really blesses me.
One friend texts me EVERY morning (never fails)... and he sends me a "meditation verse" for the day. Every day it is right on. God uses his text to bring me to a place of recognizing that YHWH is Sovereign and no one else is. It's a simple thing that my friend does... all he has to do is pull up a message on his phone & type in a few words... but, the obedience it takes to do that every day.. is what blesses me and draws me closer to God's heart :) He is a great guy & I am so thankful that God has allowed him to be in my life for this season. This lonely season is really not all that lonely. Being in God's family... there is NO WAY to be lonely :)
The other friend is also a male. He is a great guy who has been radically saved by the grace of God. It seems like I want to speak with him often because I know the amount of grace that he is under... and because I know that He understands how blessed we are to even be alive. Well, recently I was concerned that all of my friends from back home had forgotten me & I almost let it get to me... then, as I was talking to him... He encouraged me so much & blessed me with words that are still encouraging me today. There was something he said that stuck out and it was that he has tremendous amounts of respect for me. When he said that all I could do was think... how am I showing respect to those around me? How can I respect those within my reach? It challenged me :) This friend challenges me & I am grateful.
We are called to respect one another. When you think about it, it all comes down to humility. It is only possible to truly respect another person if we choose to humble ourselves and see them as greater. Let's follow our underwriting (Jesus) closely. He has shown us the way... all we are asked to do is to follow it!
I am so thankful for friendships. Here recently I am realizing how people do not owe me anything. I do not deserve friends at all. So, when God allows someone the grace to talk with me... even if it is just a hello... I am so blessed. I am so thankful for friends. God is so sweet :) He is always giving me what I least deserve.
-expect the unexpected
-thankful for the storm, without it growth would not be possible
-grateful to have Mariah around
-learning the importance of being gentle & quiet; relearning
-glad to have mom & dad (Brandi & Michael)
-living as a member of the worship leader's family is teaching me so much about my future family
-understanding how much I want to do with my children: instill value in them, teach them God's word, live as an example for them, respect & submit to my husband (to be a proper example for them), play with them, and teach them with gentle authority
-surprised at how welcoming EVERYONE is
-growing every moment through death; dying to self is necessary if self is ever going to live in Him
-studying Jesus' example for the purpose of being like Him, for the purpose of pleasing Him
-not feeling a need to have someone to talk to, but instead being thankful every time someone decides to talk to me
-understanding that being in a relationship at this point in my life is unnecessary because I have so much room for growing
"Where there is strife, there is pride, but wisdom is found in those who take advice" Proverbs 13:10
This verse... is true. Think about it. Where there is STRIFE (a quarrel, struggle or clash)... there IS pride. It does not say.. there might be pride. There just is. I have been trying to get this point across for a little over a month but have been unable to do it... thankfully the Word puts it so simply. If you are having a struggle with someone else... check yourself! Is the root of your struggle pride? If so, go immediately to that person and ask them to forgive you. Jesus prayed that we would be a people of unity... He taught us the way of love. When he came, he walked in humility... not pride! If you are claiming to live as Jesus lived, take my advice & make peace with those around you. Yes, it is going to take you humbling yourself... and realizing that you are not always right... and truly taking on the mindset of love... and asking them for forgiveness.. it is going to take obedience to God. Walking in strife is walking in disobedience. I pray that you all choose obedience today. Not just so that everything will be fixed, but because God deserves ALL respect... He deserves to be glorified in our relationships with one another... The last thing He deserves is to be dishonored. Obey Him by walking in humility and love today. He is worthy!
Hope you all are blessed & that you keep drawing close to God... There is so much for us to learn! Remain teachable.
Thankful for: my new friends & family here in Thomasville.
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