My journal from: June 27, 2011
Today was absolutely wonderful. God is really pursuing me and reminding me of my dreams. The desires He has placed in my heart are beautiful and I choose not to let go of them.
It was the first FULL day of Student Life Camp. So wonderful! Day started out with breakfast, then family group leader meeting, met back up with students for worship & celebration, following that was recreation time. Rec was so fun! We are on the blue team & our leaders are precious! During rec, one of the volunteers hosed me down with water. As sincere as possible, I told her that what she had done to me was the meanest thing anyone has done to me in months. Following the comment, I filled up my cup with water and started a conversation with her. All through out the conversation, I poured water all over her face. This would lead to her soaking me with the hose. We kept on. After a few times of pouring my cup of water all over her face, I knew it was necessary to stop. Even if it was just a game, making her really cold was not appropriate. I knew that Jesus would not have done what I did (I ended up searching for her tonight before one of the gatherings & apologizing. She also asked for forgiveness. I was grateful that God restored us). It might not sound like a big deal to anyone, but to me it was! I want to be a reflection of Jesus in all things. If that means that I can not be ridiculous and silly during competitions, then that means I will stop being ridiculous and silly during competitions. This is not because I am legalistic and have a bunch of set rules, this is because I genuinely care about my Savior and I want to please Him in all that I do.
After recreation, our leader gathered all of the family group leaders together and spoke to us. He asked us how he could pray for our students specifically. I was blessed by his willingness to pray for the students by name. Praise God for a wonderful leader! Well, as he was finishing up he introduced a young woman named Seleina. She was a compassion child. He said that it would be beneficial for us to meet her. As soon as he stopped talking, I went up and spent some time with her. We immediately connected. She shared a little about her home, which is Kenya! Then, I was able to share with her about my dreams to move to Africa. Somehow or another, we began to talk about healings and miracles. She told me that coming to America was different, because instead of relying on God the people are able to rely on doctors. Back in Kenya, the people cannot afford a doctor, so they pray that God will heal them & HE DOES! We both rejoiced in the power of God. It was a joy to share with her the miracles that I have witnessed. My faith was strengthened, even just sharing with her!
The rest of the day was enjoyable! We had family group time, then a bunch of free time, dinner, corporate worship, prayer time, then a talent show type event. At the talent show, I saw Seleina. She stopped me and asked me to sit down next to her. Sitting next to her was wonderful as we continued to discuss the goodness of God and the reality of His presence in our lives. She mentioned that I should travel to Kenya as soon as I can. That blessed me.
While we were talking to Seleina, she said something that really caught my attention. She said “God has given you the gift of healing and He is going to send you to a land where they need that, because the people here have doctors and do not need you. You will be sent where you are needed” Wow! I NEVER thought about it that way before she said it. It would have never crossed my mind that God has given me a gift that can be used somewhere, and that He wants to use me in that way. This woman, my new friend, saw that! How beautiful is God? He gives us gifts to build up the body! We must use them! If we are not being used, we must go where He is leading us! Because He has a plan & all He requires that we obediently follow Him!! I just want to obey Him! Pray for me that I would continue to walk in obedience to God and that I would hear His perfect voice clearly! That nothing would distract me and that He would take me where He will use me! Thank you!
Speaking with Selenia blessed me more than I could describe in words. She said that it was nice finding me because we could relate. We were both refreshed to hear that someone else believed in the power of God and not only believed, but rejoiced in it! His hand in miracles is a reflection of His love for all people; He is into healing the people. He did send His Son to die in order that the people would be restored to Him.
Student Life camp is amazing! Guess what? There is a precious guy in our youth group named Jeremiah! He is a joyful kid! Well, tonight… He asked Christ to forgive him of his sins and to heal him! He boldly told the entire youth group and was smiling the rest of the night! How exciting? One more soul is entering into heaven! YES!!! You know, in the Word it says that all of heaven rejoices over one soul! Can you imagine the joy that must be dancing around in heaven right now? So many students gave their lives to Christ tonight. Even though I do not know them personally, God does!!! AND HEAVEN IS REJOICING! So exciting!
Today was just beautiful.
Thankful for: revival, dreams and salvation.
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