First off, I would just like to thank my Father in heaven. He adopted me into His family, made me new, and has made every effort to show me His love since the first day we met! Even when I fail to thank Him, He continues to pour out grace & mercy over me. He is always making a way for me to recognize Him & no matter where I am or what I am doing, He is with me and blesses me! HA! WE HAVE THE BEST FATHER IN THE WORLD!
I have never had a personal relationship with my biological dad. So, most would say this day is a hard one! BUT ITS NOT! It is the most perfect day ever, because I really do have a real Father who really does love me. He knows my name!! There is nothing He wouldn't do for me.
Today was fun! I was able to get a Father's day card for the first time in forever (maybe ever)! It was for Michael Scarborough, my house dad! I am so grateful to be able to thank him for all that he has done for me!
Two really sweet things happened recently...
-yesterday, I came home and found a book called "Becoming a Woman Who Listens to God" on my bed. This is a book that I have been wanting since I saw it in the Cockerhams house. Well, Mrs Cockerham supposedly brought it to my house parents to give to me (when I was out of town)... All I could do was thank God. I was so blessed. Only He knew how much I really wanted the book... and just so y'all know, it is such a GOOD book already... get it & read it (ladies) ... Sharon Jaynes wrote it!
-today, my house parents left me a sweet letter in the arms of my bear (Philippine) and it said this "... After all, children should not have to save up for their parents, but parents for their children" 2 Corinthians 12"14b .... :) And a sweet note/gift that I did not deserve... basically telling me that they really do feel like my parents. I couldn't be anymore thankful. God has blessed me so much more than I could ever ask... I hope to be just as much as a blessing to them as they are to me.
A few things have been on my mind lately... one thing keeps coming back into my thoughts & here it is:
Imagine being off in the wild, seriously the wild, all alone. You have been walking for days trying to find the entrance, where you left all of your belongings.. but for some reason, you are unable to find anything. Your cell phone does not have service and all of your other electronics died. You just ran out of water the day before and have a few stale crackers left. Suddenly, you hear a voice calling "Come to me! I am here... I am the living water, I am the bread of life"... would you not run as fast as you could to that voice? Would you not make every effort to get to that person? I know that I would!! I know, because I did! Well, this has been on my heart so much... because I feel like God is raising up a bunch of laid-down lovers.. just like John the Baptist who are supposed to be the voice calling out in the wilderness "prepare ye the way of the LORD"... see, so many times people do not witness to those in need, for fear of rejection. Well, rejection is guaranteed... even Jesus Christ was rejected... you have to look past that! We, as believers, need to stand firm in what we believe in & seek boldness in sharing our faith! There are so many people around us dying, daily, and all we have to do to stop them from death is call out to them and tell them that there is living water available. Tell others about your faith! Tell others about the love of God! For His glory... for His Kingdoms sake!
"Desire without knowledge is not good- how much more will hasty feet miss the way!" Proverbs 19:2
--- & read Psalm 139---
As of today, I am perfectly content with being single... actually more than content. I do not need a man to tell me that I am beautiful... when God literally uses everyone and everything around me to let me know that in HIs eyes I am beautiful. I do not need a man to comfort me, when I feel His sweet kisses every where that I go.
God is with me!!!
About to spend some time with a friend. He is going to share his testimony! Yay for sinners being saved by Jesus Christ!
I love you all and cannot thank you enough for the encouragement & blessings you have all sent my way. God knows how much you all mean to me!
Bless you :)
Sometimes every now & then, I will feel a little pulled down. Being here, on earth, makes everything a little harder. I day-dream about living in Heaven with our Father. You know how exciting it is going to be to finally get there? I thought about it today and if He gives us complete freedom, I am going to dance & paint at the same time... as an act of worship... like moving is sweet circles while motioning different colors into the air... I see no need for a canvas... Just colors in the air would be cool! Dancing & painting sounds nice.
I have found myself dancing a few times today. I am wearing this long black dress... just twirling in circles brings be joy.
There are people in this world that are MEAN. They just are :) Fortunately, there is nothing we can do about it. Yes, I meant to say fortunately. Being put into a situation where I see someone at their meanest state reminds me that there is someone pretty in there just wanting to come out. It reminds me that Jesus is able to change the way they treat people. Don't think that talking bad about people, hurting others intentionally or withholding kindness from someone is acceptable just because you see another Christian do it. Be the Christian that stands up & LOVES OTHERS THE WAY THAT CHRIST COMMANDED YOU TO! Just do it.
Can I talk to the ladies about something that is on my heart? MODESTY. A while back a friend of mine told me that I needed to call all of the girls together & speak with them on modesty. Well, here I am about to do it! Your dress tells me EVERYTHING about your heart. If your heart is pure before the Lord, so your dress will be also. I encourage you all to choose to be modest. This means getting rid of the style that shows everything & start dressing like a woman who deserves respect. Ask Jesus how He views you and ask Him to teach you to dress. A little over a year ago, God woke me up in the middle of the night & told me to clean out my closet. I used to wear very short shorts, low-cut dresses & tops, and pretty much didn't care who saw me. Then, God showed me how that was not only disrespecting the guys around me and making it hard for their thoughts to stay pure, but I was dishonoring God for not respecting myself. Ladies, you are worth FAR more than rubies. Clean up your heart & your wardrobe... Let God guide you and teach you to be the lady that you are :) I have had enough. Guys will no longer look at my beautiful sisters with haughty eyes... desiring them, getting them and then ditching them. I want to see you all respected the way that you ought to be. God created you beautiful. You are beautiful. Do not settle for the one that tells you that you are beautiful... just because he is sweet. Hear God telling you that you are beautiful. Every day. So that when you go out into the world and some guy throws compliments at you... you don't have to rely on those compliments to bring you joy. Trust God's word. Trust that He made you unique and perfect in His sight. Trust that you are His love :) Then, walk with YHWH and let Him establish your relationships in purity. Pure heart causes pure dress. I care about you. Please let me know if I can help you in any way. Seriously, I want to see you all grow & I want you all to know who you are in Christ! I am here for you. I love you ladies.
This all was just laid on my heart to write, that's why I added a few things! :)
May God be praised through your life style today!
Thankful for: hot days in Mobile.
In bible college i read a book, "Dealing with the Rejection and Praise of Man" by Bob Sorge. It covered some of the truths you just mentioned. Rejection is inevitable. Like you said, Jesus was rejected by people. However He never lived for the praise of man, rather to glorify Father. This is such a great truth if we could grasp that concept. "If you live for the praise of man, you will die by their rejection." Thanks for living to glorify God, Chynna. You're always an inspiration.